Bianchi, Lynne,

Developmental neurobiology / Lynne M. Bianchi. - pages cm

An introduction to the field of developmental neurobiology -- Neural induction -- Segmentation of anteriora posterior axis -- Patterning along the dorsalaventral axis -- Proliferation and migration of neurons -- Cell determination and early differentiation -- Neurite outgrowth, axonal path-finding, and initial target selection -- Neuronal survival and programmed cell death -- Synaptic formation and reorganization- part I: the neuromuscular junction -- Synaptic formation and reorganization- part II: synapses in the central nervous system.

9780815344827 9781351189477(ebook)


Developmental neurobiology.

QP363.5 / .B563 2018

612.64018 / BIA
© University of Jaffna