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1921. Paradox 4.0 for students: an Active-Learning approach / [by] P.M.Heathcote


Publisher: London DP pub. 1993Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 005.7565 HEA] (1).

1922. Park's Textbook of preventive and social medicine / K.Park

by PARK, K.

Edition: 21st ed.Publisher: Jabalpur M/s Banarsidas Bhanot 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Medical Library [Call number: 614.44 PAR] (6).

1923. Participation in fisheries governance

by Gray, Tim S., ed.

Publisher: Netherlands Springer 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 338.3727 PAR] (1).

1924. PARTICIPATION: the new tyranny? edited by Bill Cooke, Uma Kothari

by Cooke, Bill., ed | [Editor].

Publisher: London Zed Books 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 307.14068 PAR] (2).

1925. PARTICIPATORY Monitoring and Evaluation in Community-Based Coastal Resource Management

Publisher: Philippines CBCRM-Resource Center & Oxfam-Great Britain 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Technology Library [Call number: 333.915 PAR] (1).

1926. Participatory workshops: A sourcebook of 21 sets of ideas and activities / [by] Robert Chambers

by CHAMBERS, Robert.

Publisher: London Earthscan 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Management and Commerce [Call number: 658.3 CHA] (1).

1927. Partnerships in practice: the GP's guide to getting it right first time

by JONES, Petre.

Publisher: Oxon Radcliffe Medical press 1999Availability: Items available for loan: Management and Commerce [Call number: 658.1142 JON] (1).

1928. Pay and organization development

by Lawler, Edward E.

Publisher: Menlo Park Addison-Wesley 1981Availability: Items available for loan: Management and Commerce [Call number: 658.3 LAW] (2).

1929. Payback : Reaping the Rewards of Innovation / James P. Andrew,P Harold L. Sirkin and John Butman

by Andrew, James P | Sirkin, Harold L | Butman, John.

Publisher: Boston Harvard Business School Press 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Engineering Library [Call number: 658.514 AND] (1).

1930. PEACE studies: an introduction to the concept, scope, and thems / edited by Ranabir Samaddar

by Samaddar, Ranabir., ed | Samaddar, Ranabir., ed [Editor].

Publisher: New Delhi Sage pub. 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 303.6 PEA] (1).

1931. PENGUIN management handbook

by Kempner, Thomas., ed.

Edition: 4th ed.Publisher: Harmondworth Peguin Books 1987Availability: Items available for loan: Management and Commerce [Call number: 658.003 PEN] (1).

1932. People and communication [by] Gordon R.Wainwright

by WAINWRIGHT, Gordon R.

Publisher: Plymouth Macdonald and Evans 1979Availability: Items available for loan: Management and Commerce [Call number: 651.7 WAI] (1).

1933. People and performance: the best of peter drucker on management

by Drucker, Peter F.

Publisher: Oxford Butterworth-Heinemann Availability: Items available for loan: Management and Commerce [Call number: 658.4 DRU] (1).

1934. People in organizations understanding their behavior / [by] Teremce r.Mitchell

by MITCHELL, Terence R.

Publisher: Tokyo McGraw-Hill 1978Availability: Items available for loan: Management and Commerce [Call number: 658.3 MIT] (1).

1935. People management / [by] Rosemary Thompson

by THOMSON, Rosemary.

Publisher: Hyderabad Universities press 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Management and Commerce [Call number: 658.3 THO] (1).

1936. PERFORMANCE evaluation, goal setting and feedback

by Ferris, Gerald R., ed.

Publisher: London Jai Press 1990Availability: Items available for loan: Management and Commerce [Call number: 658.3 PER] (1).

1937. Performance management and appraisal systems / [by] T.V.Rao

by Rao, T.V.

Publisher: New Delhi Response books 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Management and Commerce [Call number: 658.3125 RAO] (2).

1938. Performance measurement for world class manufacturing: a model for american comp

by Maskell, Brian H.

Publisher: Portland Productivity Press 1991Availability: Items available for loan: Management and Commerce [Call number: 658.5 MAS] (1).

1939. Performance planning and review:maling employee appraisals work

by RUDMAN, Richard.

Publisher: Melbourne Pitman pub. 1995Availability: Items available for loan: Management and Commerce [Call number: 658.3125 RUD] (2).

1940. Permanently failing organizations / [by] Marshall W.Meyer, Lynne G.Zucker

by MEYER, Marshall W | Zucker, Lynne G.

Publisher: London Sage pub. 1989Availability: Items available for loan: Management and Commerce [Call number: 658 MEY] (1).

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