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1001. Humna resource management / [by] Gary Dessler

by DESSLER, Gary.

Edition: 7th ed.Publisher: New Delhi Prentice- Hall 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Management and Commerce [Call number: 658.3 DES] (1).

1002. I Believe I Can Fly: the story of xinmin secondary [by] William Koh

by KOH, William.

Publisher: Singapore McGraw-Hill 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 373.06 KOH] (1).

1003. ICMA 2,000 mark revision kit: management accounting 1 and 2

by Institute of cost and management accountants.

Publisher: London BPP ltd. 1984Availability: Items available for reference: Management and Commerce [Call number: 657 INS] (1).

1004. ICSA: practice & revision kit Management practice pre-professional paper 11 /

Edition: 6th ed.Publisher: London BPP pub. 2000Availability: Items available for reference: Management and Commerce [Call number: 658 INS] (2).

1005. ICSA: study text Management practice pre-professional paper 11 /

Edition: 6th ed.Publisher: London BPP pub. 2000Availability: Items available for reference: Management and Commerce [Call number: 658 INS] (2).

1006. ICSA: study text managing information systems pre-professional paper 9 /

Edition: 6th ed.Publisher: London BPP pub. 2000Availability: Items available for reference: Management and Commerce [Call number: 658 INS] (2).

1007. ICSA: study text professional administration pre-professional paper 10 /

Edition: 6th ed.Publisher: London BPP pub. 2000Availability: Items available for reference: Management and Commerce [Call number: 658 INS] (2).

1008. Images of organization / [by] Gareth Morgan

by MORGAN, Gareth.

Publisher: London Sage pub. 1986Availability: Items available for loan: Management and Commerce [Call number: 658.4 MOR] (4).

1009. Imagination Engineering: A toolkit for Business Creativity

by Birch, Paul.

Publisher: London Pitman Pub. 1996Availability: Items available for loan: Management and Commerce [Call number: 658.314] (1).

1010. Impacts of major point and non-point sources on raw water treatability

by Pyke, Grantlry W.

Publisher: London IWA 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Technology Library [Call number: 628.11 IMP] (1).

1011. Implanting strategic management

by ANSOFF, H.Igor.

Edition: 2nd ed.Publisher: London Prentice hall 1990Availability: Items available for loan: Management and Commerce [Call number: 658.3 ANS] (1).

1012. Implanting strategic management

by ANSOFF, H.Igor.

Publisher: New York Prentice hall 1984Availability: Items available for loan: Management and Commerce [Call number: 658.4 ANS] (1).

1013. implementing and sustaining total quality management in health care / [by] Hugh C.H. Koch

by KOCH, Hugh C.H.

Publisher: Harlow Longman 1992Availability: Items available for loan: Medical Library [Call number: 362.1068 KOC] (1).

1014. IMPLEMENTING operations research/Management science / edited by Randall L. Schultz, Dennis P.Slevin

by Schultz, Randall, L [Editor] | Slevin, Dennis P [Editor].

Publisher: NewYork American Elsevier pub. 1975Availability: Items available for loan: Management and Commerce [Call number: 658 IMP] (1).

1015. Impression management in organizations: theory, Measurement, Practice


Publisher: London Routledge 1995Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 158.7 ROS] (1).

1016. Improving business results

by HUMBLE, John W.

Publisher: London McGraw-Hill pub. 1967Availability: Items available for loan: Management and Commerce [Call number: 658 HUM] (1).

1017. Improving dependability in database management systems / [by] Maitrayi Sabaratnam

by SABARATNAM, Maitrayi.

Publisher: Norway University of science and technology 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library [Call number: 005.74 SAB] (1).

1018. Improving purchasing performance /[by] W.J.Parsons


Publisher: Gower 1982Availability: Items available for loan: Management and Commerce [Call number: 658.7 PAR] (1).

1019. In search of excellence: lessons from America's best-run companies

by Peters, Thomas J.

Publisher: New York Harper & Row pub. 1982Availability: Items available for loan: Management and Commerce [Call number: 658.00973 PET] (1).

1020. In Search of excellence: lessons from America's best-run companies

by Peters, Thomas J.

Publisher: New York Harper & row pub. 1981Availability: Items available for loan: Management and Commerce [Call number: 658 PET] (1).

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